Rest in peace to Amy Winehouse. I sometimes just don't have sympathy for druggies but in this case i feel for this girl. The media can turn your biggest dreams in to a complete nightmare. A young talented singer my age lost the battle between her own demons. As cliche as it is, you are your own worst enemy and without self control and a good support system, you are bound to self destruct. Amy's long streak of unstable behavior should have prompted someone to really step in and do something for this girl. I understand that you cant control a person and that change comes from ones self. However, her family and friends said it came as no surprise. They almost appeared to be just waiting for her to die or overdose. Her relationship seemed to play a LARGE part in her demise and the breakup may have been what broke her completely. She went from a promising from grammy winning songstress to bonafied crack head. We all sat and watched her die, lose weight, teeth and her sanity. My biggest thought is, had she not been who she was, never been under a microscope or spotlight would she still be alive today? How would her life had played out differently?? May she finally rest in peace. She's gone but her voice will certainly not be forgotten.

For the love of money……

Money and happiness seem to be like oil and water. You can’t have one and have the other. They just don’t mix or so people say. The love of money turns some into heartless, greedy, snakes who value nothing more than the value of their funds. Everyone wants to be rich right? Live in million dollar homes, schmooze with socialites and celebs, frolic on the world’s greatest beaches. But at what cost? Happiness??? There is nothing wrong with having attainable goals and a solid plan. To say I want to be a millionaire next year and have no plan isn’t really fathomable. My belief is that people confuse riches with success. Being successful and reaching for something you want is better than any riches. Big money comes with big problems, taxes and leaches. Becoming what you want in life. Finding your niche. Achieving your goals is an indescribable feeling that money can’t quite provide.


*My content is not taken from any media or news websites. However some images come from the web. On another note all the Daily's on my page are COMPLETELY created by me. *

About Me

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With the risk of sounding trite, I am a witty and very trenchant individual who does her best to enjoy life and all the stupid charismatic people and things in it. I just happen to like to talk a lot of garbage and things other people hate to discuss. But if u cant say it why think it??

New Dew

I'm totally new to this site and my page is NOT anywhere near complete or up to par. I will be adding blogs daily, more than likely. I have some already written ones like the one longer one i do have posted. Good stuff will be coming soon!! Stick with me and leave me comments!


Need I Say More??

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Oil: The Devil's Gold

Being a native Floridian you become very used to natural disasters. We have all seen our fair share of hurricanes, tornadoes and flooding. But natural is one thing, billions of gallons of oil polluting a natural habitat is another. Its been said that this spill has definitely exceeded the 1989 Exxon Valdez 11 million gallon spill incident in Alaska. From lightly coated Florida wetlands to heavily soiled turtles and birds, this is way beyond a natural disaster.

Florida is a big producer of seafood as we all know. After a early 90's net ban that crippled a lot of fisherman's lively hood and businesses, another situation might do much worse. A net ban is exactly what it sounds like. An oil spill is worse that what it sounds like. Pollution of our gulf and all of its creatures. What will this do for the economy of the south? What is there is a hurricane during the spill? Already, the spill has hit the region's $2.4 billion seafood industry. Key shrimp and oyster fishing areas have been closed, pushing prices much higher. The Gulf produces 73% of the nation's domestically produced shrimp and 59% of its oysters, says the National Marine Fisheries Service.

I'm sorry to say that i think the future of our gulf and our economy is unknown. This is one disaster we surely didn't need. Screw BP. They didn't want to take reresponsibility when it even initially happened. And this Brit Tony Hayward says he wants this to be over so he can get back to his life? WTF? What about the life of the south?

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