Rest in peace to Amy Winehouse. I sometimes just don't have sympathy for druggies but in this case i feel for this girl. The media can turn your biggest dreams in to a complete nightmare. A young talented singer my age lost the battle between her own demons. As cliche as it is, you are your own worst enemy and without self control and a good support system, you are bound to self destruct. Amy's long streak of unstable behavior should have prompted someone to really step in and do something for this girl. I understand that you cant control a person and that change comes from ones self. However, her family and friends said it came as no surprise. They almost appeared to be just waiting for her to die or overdose. Her relationship seemed to play a LARGE part in her demise and the breakup may have been what broke her completely. She went from a promising from grammy winning songstress to bonafied crack head. We all sat and watched her die, lose weight, teeth and her sanity. My biggest thought is, had she not been who she was, never been under a microscope or spotlight would she still be alive today? How would her life had played out differently?? May she finally rest in peace. She's gone but her voice will certainly not be forgotten.

For the love of money……

Money and happiness seem to be like oil and water. You can’t have one and have the other. They just don’t mix or so people say. The love of money turns some into heartless, greedy, snakes who value nothing more than the value of their funds. Everyone wants to be rich right? Live in million dollar homes, schmooze with socialites and celebs, frolic on the world’s greatest beaches. But at what cost? Happiness??? There is nothing wrong with having attainable goals and a solid plan. To say I want to be a millionaire next year and have no plan isn’t really fathomable. My belief is that people confuse riches with success. Being successful and reaching for something you want is better than any riches. Big money comes with big problems, taxes and leaches. Becoming what you want in life. Finding your niche. Achieving your goals is an indescribable feeling that money can’t quite provide.


*My content is not taken from any media or news websites. However some images come from the web. On another note all the Daily's on my page are COMPLETELY created by me. *

About Me

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With the risk of sounding trite, I am a witty and very trenchant individual who does her best to enjoy life and all the stupid charismatic people and things in it. I just happen to like to talk a lot of garbage and things other people hate to discuss. But if u cant say it why think it??

New Dew

I'm totally new to this site and my page is NOT anywhere near complete or up to par. I will be adding blogs daily, more than likely. I have some already written ones like the one longer one i do have posted. Good stuff will be coming soon!! Stick with me and leave me comments!


Need I Say More??

Monday, March 22, 2010

Are you a Humanitarian or an Egotist ??

Ok i write a lot from what people say on my FB and Twitter. Just in general what going on in the world right now. I'm highly opinionated. And I got some. Cuz i wouldn't be me if i didn't. It seems like people from this (southern) demographic region, are slightly ignorant to whats really good and whats not. Call it color (Obama) blind. But some of these assholes are truly ill. 

A chic I went to elementary, high school whatever, the same chic that wouldn't let us black kids play red rover on the playground in 3rd grade. Yes i took it there. Said and i quote this ass "I HAVE TO PAY OUT OF POCKET FOR FERTILITY TREATMENTS, BUT ABORTION IS WHAT?! A CO-PAYMENT NOW?!?! OR WAIT...IF I WANT A BABY...ITS GOING TO COST ME" Im thinkin....Since when did Saturday's shopping day consist of buying children??? Motherhood and pregnancy is not a retail shopping experience. It's a gift from GOD. Everyone is not meant to have kids. HELLO???  "BUT IF I WANT TO ABORT IT...AMERICA NOW HAS ME COVERED! THANKS OBAMA. THEY VOTED FOR THE 2ND BIGGEST MISTAKE, THE FIRST ONE WAS YOU BEING OUR PRESIDENT". 

So i researched this health care reform these broke ass local republicans are wailing about. Pros and Cons: Whats the cost of something without the COST. Call me crazy but i'm just saying. Supposedly This should make healthcare avail for everyone. And whats wrong with that? I work and I DON'T have healthcare. And wont buy it because its too expensive. And working in health care and having asthma for the last 20 years my health is not %100. Also Insurers will not be able to stop paying for people who are sick, even if they lose their jobs. U know that people who are sick cant go out and get insurance? And the ones who are already sick can get dropped at ANYTIME. Health insurers can no longer cap coverage and tell u ok thanks Kristina but we have spent enough on ur sick ass. The downside is that crazy word again. COST. 100 Billion a year. The same amount WASTED on the war every year. There will be a tax increase on very high income people. If you are making more than half a million then u get hit a whole %1 and i don't know ANYONE who falls in that slot. Large employers may also have to offer health insurance to more of their employees. If they do not, they may have to pay some extra tax. Additional regulation on insurance companies. This might increase costs. It will increase quality.

I'm sorry but people are too SELFISH. They don't ever realize what is good as a whole because it doesn't directly effect them. If they ask me if u would like insurance Kristina, but it could take away from a child having it. How would u feel? I would give mine up in a second. Would u??? This world is a completely F-ed up place. And i'm not proud to be an American. We live in a sick and twisted society thats ran by a bunch of opinionated people like me. And at this point its Not Obama, Bidden or anyone else. But someone has to be in the puppet show. And now at the expense of a "black... well mulatto man" the burner is hot. But look at how many really bad presidents we had, thats why we are where we are today?? Or the fact that the government really is a conspiracy, no a confederacy. Lets face is we are in a "Garrison State". Its only further and further downhill from here. Sorry to be realistic. 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mr. & Mrs. Sensitivity So Happy Together......

Ok so i have most def been MIA lately. But that will all change soon. With finals done and a new job starting this week I have a lil stress relieved so that I can further conclude my shyt talking endeavors. 

So today someone really pissed me off at the expense of a joke that I made. So in actuality I pissed myself off?? Idk. Well I made a regular joke about someone being boring. And well they are. My definition of boring is= Someone who never does ANYTHING social, Has no friends, and finds joy in sitting at home 24/7. But that is MY perception of boring. The real definition of boring is dull. So i'm guess i'm pretty close. This DULL person became offended by a joke I made that they initiated. I mean u pitched it and i just hit it what do u want me to do? Well, it escalated to a validation/insecurity type issue. It seemed like they used my (truthful and honest) joke (thats an oxymoron i think??) against me to try to validate the pretty dull life they lead. Lately i really been talking about people being so insecure with themselves. This is one of those cases. I just wish people would take into consideration that they are totally responsible for the way their life is. If u enjoy it then its what u created, if u hate it.....its still what u created. But don't tell me u love ur life when i call u boring and every other day of the week u bitch and complain about well almost everything. If i feel you are dull and you don't then why would you become offended? People consume themselves with the things that make them "comfortable" to makeup for the things they lack in life. Its seems like self image is not valued high these days. It was also said that i was judgmental. The judgmental seem to attack people on moral values. I call it opinionated and realistic. We are ALL guilty of being "judgmental" in some way. It sucks because that i chose to live my life as a social 24 year old adult, with no children, limitations, husband or baggage, who doesn't drink or smoke, and who likes to go out occasionally is looked at as "bad lifestyle" Because apparently having fun is a whole other type of "lifestyle" choice.

One thing that really irks me is how people change for all the wrong reasons or how people change when they get in relationships. So many people lose their identity in relationships. I know peoples priorities change but how much should they? What do you give up with new relationships? I swore to myself that i would never let myself get overly consumed with a person....Maybe thats partly why i'm single. Fear or losing my freedom and most of all losing Kristina.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Trophy White

I was on Facebook today and i seen this guy (who i don't even talk to anymore lol) make a post about how he sees why black men marry white women, because all black women are "crazy". Is this really how men really feel??? What is with this crazy stereotype? 

What makes a black woman crazier than a white one, or any woman one for that matter! People really need to get off that. A bitch is gonna be crazy regardless of their race. I seen a poll somewhere that said black men view white females as trophies. Hmmm. Idk. I think people in general are too closed minded. Period. Its the same people like this that hate to see a black woman with a man of another race. My perception of this is that people are just to dam INSECURE with themselves!! Get the F over is. Cuz when u get the wrong or right spanish or white or whatever woman who don't wanna deal with ur bullshyt then u will be saying the same thing about them too. Thats pretty naive. 

Monday, March 8, 2010

My Thoughts Exactly....

Everyday should be productive. No matter what it is. A day gone by with nothing accomplished seems pretty useless to me. I can never understand how anyone can or will sleep all day. Get the hell up and do SOMETHING ANYTHING!!! WTF!! A lazy ass person I think is a direct reflection of poor self image and insecurity. And insecurity leads to being selfish and being selfish leads to you being alone and sleeping your day away. So imma say good night or day and let the well rested get back to sleep, because I got shyt 2 do…..

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sufficient Funds??

A guy a dated once who told me I was too independent. I never knew there was such a thing. "Kristina your too independent thats whats wrong with soooo many women, letting that shyt go to ur head". WTF???? Me?? So i'm thinking theres gotta be something wrong with this dude! Maybe its the culture difference? Hes a ras and i'm an ass.

I worked for everything i have and i'm not ashamed of it. But i'm not one of those bragging ass, flashing by bills in the club type people either. So i never really knew where he was coming from until i lost a few things i was"proud" of. Kinda like like when you become smart but don't get any wiser, Its forgetting what u leave behind in all your glory and grandeur. Yourself. And your faith in non-material things. Its like being the "ultimate independent woman" was too overbearing for someone to handle because my main focus was look at what i have done 24/7. Not ok i have done well the end lets not build a shrine and worship it. The ability to compromise is highly difficult to the cliche', stereotypical, independent person. So can we be autonomous and be happy..... Yeah. Can you be autonomous and not overly arrogant?? Thats the question. 

Self-sufficiency seems to be the blessing with the curse. I am totally under the assumption that sometimes things happen the way they do or don't in my case because of our sufficient funds. But oh well.....I guess being on top and alone is better than being in the gutter PERIOD.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Just Another Day In Paradise

Today is not an ordinary day, its a day that I make a decision. The choice to make a situation (good or bad wouldn't you like to know) a positive or negative experience. To take the good or the bad? Thats a choice we all face daily. But its just easier to be negative because we couldn't possibly bear thinking good thoughts or hoping for better. But screw that. I think that i can take my slightly pessimistic and sometimes optimistic views on life and take the bullet.  I'm taking the higher road, as i have learned that i control almost everything that happens and has happened in my life. If i think its bad then it is. If i don't, then its not. Its REALLY is that simple. 

Friends, Foes & Frustrated

At this point in my life I can say that I’m happy. Things are going well. I have a pretty good job. I’m in school. I’m alive and well. I’m thankful. With my life remotely in order am I in any position to help, judge or critique a person? A friend? Some where in me I think its my duty as a human being to feel compassion for others when they are in an emotional stand still. I never feel like I have too much going on that I cant help someone. They say people like me, mixed people, are different. Its said that we develop sooner than any other group of people and we have a harder time fitting in and dealing with life. But why? What genetically makes us the beautiful mature ticking time bombs that we are? So mature WE but so unable to deal with what the world hands us. What we think the “world hands us” is exactly what have made. The situations we get into are the ones we created for ourselves to walk into. Its easier to mess things up but even harder to say, yea its my fault or I did this and I gotta fix it. Its even more difficult when you have people around you that watch the ship your in sink like it’s a debut movie on a Friday night. When you have friends that need help and you clearly see it where do you draw the line between helping a person, frustrating yourself or even losing that person as a friend all together? Would it be worth it to do all 3? Help my friend, wear myself out in end the and possibly lose them altogether. And say I made a difference in their life, the change or difference they needed but were no longer friends. Was it worth it? Did I help that someone from further extending themselves into darkness and lose my patience and friend as well? It seems like a lose-lose situation. If I sit back and let this person I love muddle themselves in the ground and I just observe, what type of person does that make me? I know I’m on this earth to do more than just serve myself. Sometimes I wish people had the potential to see in them what I see. It’s just like an anorexic person, they see fat and we see skinny or under weight. Who will win and how do I, myself, my friend or foe plan on adjusting to change?