This is just me in all my "assholeness" venting, talking noise and speaking the truth. That's all a cynical woman like me knows how to do!!


For the love of money……
Money and happiness seem to be like oil and water. You can’t have one and have the other. They just don’t mix or so people say. The love of money turns some into heartless, greedy, snakes who value nothing more than the value of their funds. Everyone wants to be rich right? Live in million dollar homes, schmooze with socialites and celebs, frolic on the world’s greatest beaches. But at what cost? Happiness??? There is nothing wrong with having attainable goals and a solid plan. To say I want to be a millionaire next year and have no plan isn’t really fathomable. My belief is that people confuse riches with success. Being successful and reaching for something you want is better than any riches. Big money comes with big problems, taxes and leaches. Becoming what you want in life. Finding your niche. Achieving your goals is an indescribable feeling that money can’t quite provide.

About Me

- Krysdammit_tena
- With the risk of sounding trite, I am a witty and very trenchant individual who does her best to enjoy life and all the stupid charismatic people and things in it. I just happen to like to talk a lot of garbage and things other people hate to discuss. But if u cant say it why think it??
New Dew

Need I Say More??
Monday, March 22, 2010
Are you a Humanitarian or an Egotist ??
Ok i write a lot from what people say on my FB and Twitter. Just in general what going on in the world right now. I'm highly opinionated. And I got some. Cuz i wouldn't be me if i didn't. It seems like people from this (southern) demographic region, are slightly ignorant to whats really good and whats not. Call it color (Obama) blind. But some of these assholes are truly ill.
A chic I went to elementary, high school whatever, the same chic that wouldn't let us black kids play red rover on the playground in 3rd grade. Yes i took it there. Said and i quote this ass "I HAVE TO PAY OUT OF POCKET FOR FERTILITY TREATMENTS, BUT ABORTION IS WHAT?! A CO-PAYMENT NOW?!?! OR WAIT...IF I WANT A BABY...ITS GOING TO COST ME" Im thinkin....Since when did Saturday's shopping day consist of buying children??? Motherhood and pregnancy is not a retail shopping experience. It's a gift from GOD. Everyone is not meant to have kids. HELLO??? "BUT IF I WANT TO ABORT IT...AMERICA NOW HAS ME COVERED! THANKS OBAMA. THEY VOTED FOR THE 2ND BIGGEST MISTAKE, THE FIRST ONE WAS YOU BEING OUR PRESIDENT".
So i researched this health care reform these broke ass local republicans are wailing about. Pros and Cons: Whats the cost of something without the COST. Call me crazy but i'm just saying. Supposedly This should make healthcare avail for everyone. And whats wrong with that? I work and I DON'T have healthcare. And wont buy it because its too expensive. And working in health care and having asthma for the last 20 years my health is not %100. Also Insurers will not be able to stop paying for people who are sick, even if they lose their jobs. U know that people who are sick cant go out and get insurance? And the ones who are already sick can get dropped at ANYTIME. Health insurers can no longer cap coverage and tell u ok thanks Kristina but we have spent enough on ur sick ass. The downside is that crazy word again. COST. 100 Billion a year. The same amount WASTED on the war every year. There will be a tax increase on very high income people. If you are making more than half a million then u get hit a whole %1 and i don't know ANYONE who falls in that slot. Large employers may also have to offer health insurance to more of their employees. If they do not, they may have to pay some extra tax. Additional regulation on insurance companies. This might increase costs. It will increase quality.
I'm sorry but people are too SELFISH. They don't ever realize what is good as a whole because it doesn't directly effect them. If they ask me if u would like insurance Kristina, but it could take away from a child having it. How would u feel? I would give mine up in a second. Would u??? This world is a completely F-ed up place. And i'm not proud to be an American. We live in a sick and twisted society thats ran by a bunch of opinionated people like me. And at this point its Not Obama, Bidden or anyone else. But someone has to be in the puppet show. And now at the expense of a "black... well mulatto man" the burner is hot. But look at how many really bad presidents we had, thats why we are where we are today?? Or the fact that the government really is a conspiracy, no a confederacy. Lets face is we are in a "Garrison State". Its only further and further downhill from here. Sorry to be realistic.
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